\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}
% a nice font
% basic text stuff
\usepackage{colortbl} % to color rows or columns of matrices
\usepackage{tikz} % main tikz package
\usepackage{tikz-network} % provides graph / network utilities (Edge, Node, etc)
\usetikzlibrary{backgrounds} % to explicitely draw in the background layer
\usetikzlibrary{calc} % to do some computations on the coordinates
% for a nicer colorscheme
\coordinate (label_x) at (1,3.5);
\node[above right] (x) at (label_x) {$p_x$};
\fill [orange, opacity=0.5] plot [smooth cycle, tension=0.7] coordinates {($ (label_x) + (0.3,0)$) ($ (label_x) + (0,-0.3)$) ($ (label_x) + (-0.3, 0)$) ($ (label_x) + (0,0.3)$) (label_x)};
\coordinate (label_y) at (1,2.5);
\node[above right] (y) at (label_y) {$p_y$};
\fill [blue, opacity=0.5] plot [smooth cycle, tension=0.7] coordinates {($ (label_y) + (0.3,0)$) ($ (label_y) + (0,-0.3)$) ($ (label_y) + (-0.3, 0)$) ($ (label_y) + (0,0.3)$) (label_y)};
\fill [orange, opacity=0.4] plot [smooth cycle, tension=0.7] coordinates {($ (2) + (0.3,0)$) ($ (2) + (0,-0.3)$) ($ (2) + (-0.3, 0)$) ($ (2) + (0,0.3)$)};
\fill [orange, opacity=0.4] plot [smooth cycle, tension=0.7] coordinates {($ (3) + (0.3,0)$) ($ (3) + (0,-0.3)$) ($ (3) + (-0.3, 0)$) ($ (3) + (0,0.3)$)};
\fill [orange, opacity=0.4] plot [smooth cycle, tension=0.7] coordinates {($ (4) + (0.3,0)$) ($ (4) + (0,-0.3)$) ($ (4) + (-0.3, 0)$) ($ (4) + (0,0.3)$)};
\fill [orange, opacity=0.4] plot [smooth cycle, tension=0.7] coordinates {($ (5) + (0.3,0)$) ($ (5) + (0,-0.3)$) ($ (5) + (-0.3, 0)$) ($ (5) + (0,0.3)$)};
\fill [blue, opacity=0.4] plot [smooth cycle, tension=0.7] coordinates {($ (12) + (0.3,0)$) ($ (12) + (0,-0.3)$) ($ (12) + (-0.3, 0)$) ($ (12) + (0,0.3)$)};
\fill [blue, opacity=0.4] plot [smooth cycle, tension=0.7] coordinates {($ (13) + (0.3,0)$) ($ (13) + (0,-0.3)$) ($ (13) + (-0.3, 0)$) ($ (13) + (0,0.3)$)};
\fill [blue, opacity=0.4] plot [smooth cycle, tension=0.7] coordinates {($ (14) + (0.3,0)$) ($ (14) + (0,-0.3)$) ($ (14) + (-0.3, 0)$) ($ (14) + (0,0.3)$)};
\fill [blue, opacity=0.4] plot [smooth cycle, tension=0.7] coordinates {($ (15) + (0.3,0)$) ($ (15) + (0,-0.3)$) ($ (15) + (-0.3, 0)$) ($ (15) + (0,0.3)$)};
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\fill [orange, opacity=0.4] plot [smooth cycle, tension=0.7] coordinates {($ (11) + (0.3,0)$) ($ (11) + (0,-0.3)$) ($ (11) + (-0.3, 0)$) ($ (11) + (0,0.3)$)};
\fill [blue, opacity=0.4] plot [smooth cycle, tension=0.7] coordinates {($ (1) + (0.3,0)$) ($ (1) + (0,-0.3)$) ($ (1) + (-0.3, 0)$) ($ (1) + (0,0.3)$)};
\fill [orange, opacity = 0.5] plot [smooth cycle, tension=1] coordinates {(1) ($ (1) + (0.6,0.1)$) ($ (1) + (1.2,0.6)$) ($ (1) + (2, 0.1)$) (11) ($ (1) + (2, 0)$) ($ (1) + (1.2,-0.45)$) ($ (1) + (0.6, 0)$)};
\draw[ultra thick, dashed,->] plot[smooth] coordinates {($(2) + (0,0.4)$) ($(1) + (0,0.4)$) ($ (1) + (2, 0.3)$)};
\draw[ultra thick, dashed,->] plot[smooth] coordinates {($(4) + (1,1)$) ($(1) - (0,0.4)$) ($ (1) + (2, -0.3)$)};
\fill [orange, opacity=0.4] plot [smooth cycle, tension=0.7] coordinates {($ (22) + (0.3,0)$) ($ (22) + (0,-0.3)$) ($ (22) + (-0.3, 0)$) ($ (22) + (0,0.3)$)};
\fill [orange, opacity=0.4] plot [smooth cycle, tension=0.7] coordinates {($ (24) + (0.3,0)$) ($ (24) + (0,-0.3)$) ($ (24) + (-0.3, 0)$) ($ (24) + (0,0.3)$)};
\fill [blue, opacity=0.4] plot [smooth cycle, tension=0.7] coordinates {($ (25) + (0.3,0)$) ($ (25) + (0,-0.3)$) ($ (25) + (-0.3, 0)$) ($ (25) + (0,0.3)$)};
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\fill [blue, opacity=0.4] plot [smooth cycle, tension=0.7] coordinates {($ (22) + (0.4,0)$) ($ (22) + (0,-0.4)$) ($ (22) + (-0.4, 0)$) ($ (22) + (0,0.4)$)};
\fill [orange, opacity=0.4] plot [smooth cycle, tension=0.7] coordinates {($ (23) + (0.3,0)$) ($ (23) + (0,-0.3)$) ($ (23) + (-0.3, 0)$) ($ (23) + (0,0.3)$)};
\fill [blue, opacity=0.4] plot [smooth cycle, tension=0.7] coordinates {($ (21) + (0.3,0)$) ($ (21) + (0,-0.3)$) ($ (21) + (-0.3, 0)$) ($ (21) + (0,0.3)$)};
\fill [orange, opacity = 0.5] plot [smooth cycle, tension=1] coordinates {(23) ($ (23) + (0.6,0.25)$) ($ (23) + (1.5,0.65)$) ($ (23) + (2.5, 0.65)$) (21) ($ (23) + (2.3, 0.59)$) ($ (23) + (1.6,0.35)$) ($ (23) + (0.6, 0.24)$)};
\fill [orange, opacity = 0.5] plot [smooth cycle, tension=1] coordinates {(24) ($ (24) + (0.6,0.)$) ($ (24) + (1.,0.2)$) ($ (24) + (1.3,0.1)$) (25) ($ (24) + (1.25,0.05)$) ($ (24) + (1,-0.06)$) ($ (24) + (0.6, 0)$)};
\draw[ultra thick, dashed,->] plot[smooth] coordinates {($(23) + (0,0.4)$) ($(23) + (1,0.6)$) ($ (23) + (2, 0.9)$)};
\draw[ultra thick, dashed,->] plot[smooth] coordinates {($(23) + (0,0.4)$) ($(23) + (1,0.6)$) ($ (23) + (2, 0.9)$)};
\draw[ultra thick, dashed,->] plot[smooth] coordinates {($(24) + (0,-0.4)$) ($(24) + (1,-0.3)$) ($ (24) + (2,-0.1)$)};
\draw[ultra thick, dashed,->] plot[smooth] coordinates {($(24) + (0,-0.4)$) ($(24) + (1,-0.3)$) ($ (24) + (2,-0.1)$)};