\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}
% a nice font
% basic text stuff
\usepackage{tikz} % main tikz package
% for a nicer colorscheme
% some functions to generate random numbers from StackExchange
% (see https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/148133)
\pgfmathln{#1}% <- might need parsing
\pgfmathmultiply{6.28318531}{#2}% <- might need parsing
\ifdim\pgfmathresult pt=0.0pt\relax%
\ifdim\pgfmathresult pt=0.0pt\relax%
\pgfmathsetseed{123} % set the seed for reproducible documents
\draw[fill=gray!30, line width=5pt, draw=white]
plot[smooth, samples=100, domain=0:2] (\x,\x * \x) -| (-1,0) -- cycle;
\draw[fill=brokengrey!30, line width=5pt, draw=white]
plot[smooth, samples=100, domain=0:1.5] (\x,\x * \x) -| (4,0) -- cycle;
\draw[fill=brokenwhite!30, line width=5pt, draw=white]
plot[smooth, samples=100, domain=1.5:2] (\x,\x * \x) -| (4,1.5*1.5) -- cycle;
\node (l1) at (-0.5,3.5) {$\mathcal L_1$};
\node (l2) at (3.5,3.5) {$\mathcal L_2$};
\node (l2) at (3.5,0.5) {$\mathcal L_3$};
\foreach \i in {0,...,10} {
\fill [opacity=0.8] (0.5+randnormal/3, 2.5+randnormal/4) circle (0.05);
\fill [opacity=0.8] (3+randnormal/5, 2.9+randnormal/5) circle (0.05);
\fill [opacity=0.8] (1.9+randnormal/4, 1+randnormal/5) circle (0.05);
\fill [opacity=0.8] (0.2+randnormal/5, 0.8+randnormal/4) circle (0.05);
\draw [ultra thick, red, densely dashed]
plot [smooth cycle, tension=1] coordinates {(0,2) (1,1.8) (1.2,3) (0,2.8)};
\node[red] (c3) at (-0.7,2.5) {$\mathcal C_3$};
\draw [ultra thick, blue, densely dashed]
plot [smooth cycle, tension=1] coordinates {(2.5,2.8) (3.7,2.5) (3,3.5)};
\node[blue] (c1) at (2.2,3.5) {$\mathcal C_1$};
\draw [ultra thick, orange, densely dashed]
plot [smooth cycle, tension=1] coordinates {(-0.5,0.3) (2.5, 0.3) (2,1.8) (1,1.2) (0, 1.3)};
\node[orange] (c2) at (2.9,1.5) {$\mathcal C_2$};